Artists make a living by touching people, evoking their emotions and making people connect with what surrounds them. The city of Stavanger believes these skill sets can enhance any urban development process and make better cities. It’s time to involve artists in the multidisciplinary exercise it is to create better and more sustainable cities that people want to live in. In this segment, we’ll learn more about how arts and culture can play an essential role in the future of our cities and regions. Learn from NTNU and KORO about the latest research on the topic.

Helene Ødegaard works as an advisor in Stavanger municipality. She is responsible for the smart art program, as well as advising on international cultural affairs and business development within the creative sector. She holds a MA in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and a BA in Political Science from NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). After the studies she was an HR-trainee at Equinor, before she started her own business, developing an arts and culture cluster, Elefant, as well as an internationally renowned artist-run space, Prosjektrom Normanns.

Truls Ramberg has responsibility for urban and local development projects. In the Local Community Scheme (LOK), he has a special responsibility for advising actors in the county and municipal sector.
Truls has been an art critic at Aftenposten, curator and project manager at the Norwegian Design and Architecture Center (DOGA) and taught at the Oslo Academy of the Arts and Architecture and the Oslo Academy of Design.