This workshop introduce co-creation and citizen involvement as a central and crucial approach to developing successful Smart City initiatives that create value for citizens, companies and at the same time benefit society as a whole.
The workshop focuses on how policy makers can work with citizens and companies to create optimal policy initiatives and frameworks that enable new innovative Smart City solutions. During the workshop you will experience concrete cases, approaches and tools for co-creating policy.
This event is targeted political decision-makers developing political initiatives and policy within urban development.
24th September
09:00 – 11:30 – Workshop: Co-creating Smart Cities
For the first time in Baltics, Europe`s Smart City leading experts and stakeholders will meet to find out what we can learn from each other when it comes to Smart City policy development.
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) together with Danish Design Center (DDC) and OECD are inviting you to a practical workshop to explore how Latvia`s Smart Cities can be co-created.
Smart City and Smart Mobility is a strategic pilot project in Latvia with important mid and long term impact on innovations’ growth and synergy, potential investments and welfare of anyone living or visiting the city. It is facing the need for individual players, industry, government, municipalities, academia and other stakeholders to come together in order to raise awareness and co-create adaptive and responsive legislative framework and infrastructure so the Smart City solutions can be tested and implemented in Riga and other cities of Latvia.
At the workshop you will meet experts from Europe’s leading innovation institutions, innovative cities and industry players. We cordially invite you to our workshop to be inspired through practical examples, share experiences and get involved in a discussion on the possible next steps for developing the Latvian Smart City arena.