A large-scale research project on freight logistics in Sustainable Cities.
A large-scale research project on freight logistics in Sustainable Cities.
The Explorer is Norway’s official platform for international promotion and marketing of green and sustainable solution. The platform works to ensure lower climate emissions through increased exports of green technology from Norway.
LoRaWAN is being rolled out in municipalities across Norway. How can this create value for the public sector, private businesses and citizens?
The Horizon Europe Norwegian Urban Partnership has submitted a supporting document for the Green Deal call 'Towards Climate-Neutral and Socially Innovative Cities'
eSport is the new global recreational sport. It has one of the fastest growing fan bases, a youthful global audience that’s already larger than YouTube & HBO, Netflix & ESPN combined - eSports is mainstream.
Showcasing initiatives and solutions at the leading Smart City conference and exhibition in the Nordics
The leading smart cities in Norway established the national network “Smartbyene” in 2018. In less than two years the network has evolved from 6 to 14 cities.
InfoTiles is the first investment in ProVenture's digital sustainability venture