Construction City Study Trip
Cluster collaboration between Construction City and Nordic Edge
We are proud to introduce the annual KickOff for Youth Achievement (Ungt Entreprenørskap) as part of Nordic Edge Expo.
Every year youth in upper secondary schools start their own companies as part of their curriculum. The aim is to inspire young people to innovate and create value. More than 150.000 pupils and students annually attend this programme, in Norway alone.
Young students from across the country will tune in to an inspiring session tailor-made for the accomplishments ahead for these young entrepreneurs.
There will be interviews with some of last year’s Youth Companies: Moke UB, Innostreet UB and last year’s winner of the County Championship in Rogaland, Gumbox UB. In addition, Social Media expert Susanne Bjerga Todnem and CEO of Co-working space FOMO, Magnus Øgård Meisal will share good advice about running a business. Good tips and tricks will be given within the topics business plan, team building, marketing and networking. Hosts: Frida Ditlefsen and Tarald Lundvall from Young Entrepreneurship
Cluster collaboration between Construction City and Nordic Edge
Siramat og Testarena Norefjell – Best uten bil stakk av med seieren i innovasjonskonkurransen arrangert av DOGA, Nordic Edge og Innovasjon Norge.
The founders behind the DIGme Learning have received funding from Innovation Norway to help commercialise their product. After presenting their innovation at the KnowHow EdTech conference in September, another incubator company has also made contact to find out more about the startup’s potential.