Nordic Edge Asia
Nordic Edge Asia opens market possibilities for Nordic companies in China.
Nordic Edge Asia opens market possibilities for Nordic companies in China.
The leading smart city meeting place in the Nordics. The conference and exhibition is the largest annual event organised by Nordic Edge.
Coordinating national, urban-related challenges towards Horizon Europe.
Our brand new innovation oasis, Innoasis will be a meeting place and office space with all the facilities needed to take an idea to market.
Gnist invites the business community to co-create solutions to specific challenges in cities and rural districts.
The county of Rogaland is supporting our initiativ of setting up a network for smart districts.
The Norwegian roadmap for smart and sustainable cities and communities is a guide with visions and principals for municipalities and county councils.
Stavanger Kommune is conducting its first test of agile piloting – also known as quick testing, with a little support from Nordic Edge.
Research suggests that 11,5% of the Norwegian population use their personal time and own money on inventing new products and services. This research project mains to figure out whether these solutions are viable for the market.
The European Union is shaping Europe’s digital future with new Digital Innovation Hubs. Nordic Edge leads a consortium for a new Digital Innovation Hub in Western Norway.
The University of Stavanger is setting up a course for co-creation. The programme will give students tools for leading innovative digitalisation processes.
A large-scale research project on freight logistics in Sustainable Cities.
The leading smart cities in Norway established the national network “Smartbyene” in 2018. In less than two years the network has evolved from 6 to 14 cities.