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First round of Innoasis InvestorPrep

First round of Innoasis InvestorPrep

Get your company ready for the next investment round

Calculating Co2 emissions at sea

Calculating Co2 emissions at sea

FreiXchange has received funding from Innovation Norway to develop a new method for calculating Co2 emissions in shipping. The Norwegian Coastal Administration contributes in this innovative project for greener shipping.

Kicking off Innoasis Science Forum with our first Science Talk: Will Smart Cities make us sustainable?

Kicking off Innoasis Science Forum with our first Science Talk: Will Smart Cities make us sustainable?

Nordic Edge Innoasis Science Forum starts on August 18th with the Science Talk. Welcome to a series of competence meetings aimed at creating dialogue between academia, the private sector, municipalities and citizens.

Sign up for the Co-Creation School

Sign up for the Co-Creation School

Registration for the co-creation school at the University of Stavanger is now open.

11 Sep
Cluster development

Workshop i Lund

Location Lundetun
A Nordic model for smart cities

A Nordic model for smart cities

Nordic cities and organisations are coming together to create a common, people-centered model for smart city development.

FABULOS puts self-driving busses on the streets

FABULOS puts self-driving busses on the streets

This July autonomous busses and one car will start operating in the municipality of Gjesdal as part of the Horizon2020 project SAGA.

Summer job at Akuna

Summer job at Akuna

How can we combine the most relevant services for young adults and other user segments into one attractive service?

PhD Fellowship position

PhD Fellowship position

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology has a PhD Fellowship position in social innovation.

1 Jul
Cluster development

Ion Smart and Resilient Cities Accelerator Day

Location Online Broadcast from Houston, Texas